About Me

My Life is devoted to All That Is.

My mission is in service to the One, and total devotion of Thy Will Be Done. This is a direct experience of Consciousness of that which we are made of, Love itself.

These are just words used to describe something ineffable. There are so many ways to say the same thing and they all point home, which is right here and right now within you.

I work as a channel, medium, and healer to help one re-member. The essence frequency which moves through me is GRACE. The soft allowance of divine healing of non-doing or surrendering to what is and opening to the divine frequency.

In this space healing can happen effortlessly.


My childhood experiences

Since I was a child, I yearned for and was devoted to “All That Is”, the One, Consciousness, or the Source. My whole life there has been a fire burning in me for healing, the bringing of things together that had become fractured or damaged and the reweaving of such, the desire to serve the healing of everything, to honor the Divine within everything and it started with having to heal myself.

My childhood experiences were my first shamanic initiation training. Surviving the ritual sexual cult abuse and torture in the church and then subsequent rape attacks after until age 20, while in a family of trauma and unconsciousness,  were the very foundation of my formation as a healer.
While in a state of dissociation until age 22, with what was called “conscious amnesia,” I was schooled by light beings, angels, and guides while out of body in the art of energy, consciousness, light, the invisible realms, and healing.  In a life-changing profound moment at age 22 for the first time in this life, I entered my body.
This happened the moment I met my teacher, Leta Rose, in Seattle, WA. Thus, began my lifelong shamanic training in energy medicine, channeling, and Toltec shamanism with this profound mystic and shaman who saved my life.

My Shamanic Training

In my Shamanic training with Leta Rose, I began to harness the skills I already had and develop a sense of a container and boundaries for them to operate within. I learned how to ground my energy, embody this body, and clear my energy field and understand and work with my empathy and psychic ability. By this time I was very sick, having every condition from debilitating sciatica / back pain that literally disabled me. I also had extreme food, environmental, and chemical sensitivities, headaches, chronic fatigue, anorexia/bulimia, adrenal exhaustion, night terrors, panic attacks, and suicidal ideation. You name it. I had it.

I then began a very long, committed and diligent healing process to heal myself and to learn everything I could about the nonlinear, mystery of healing, and how to attune to the channel of the divine healing force.

I further trained in body-centered counseling techniques of Hakomi, Parts Work, Attachment Theory, and Emotional Freedom Technique and still to this day am continually learning and deepening.

My passion and dedication is to…

Uplift all and help to relieve suffering and support re-membering, to help others realize that no matter how horrific the trauma or unbalanced the system, anything is healable and that it is not your fault.

The human spirit is extraordinarily resilient and you are never alone. There is so much support inherently in the system and universe and sometimes what is needed is simply the uncovering of such, the tuning into this channel and removing any blocks to this.

There is a trustworthy reason you have the patterns and propensities you do and this is your fuel for gold.

Most of these patterns aren’t yours anyway.

I am here to help you re-member who you Really are.

With deepest humility and honor I walk this path with you.


In deepest gratitude for my line of female mentors

Leta Rose
Lori Lorenz
Lynn Morrison
Thank you all for reparenting me, reminding me of the way, and helping me remember who I am.




Interviews with Isa