How to Access Grace

Learn how to access this inherent Grace available to you. Join me on this journey where I show you the steps to illuminate the darkness and enter the Field of Grace. You will learn how to daily enter this frequency for more easeful and peaceful living. Grace is truly where miracles abide.

Divine Field of Grace

The Field of Grace is a living, breathing force which is here for all of us available to tap into. It is like a shimmering white blanket of soft snow which showers you with the knowing that you are being held and totally taken care of. It is the deepest relief and exhale as you feel yourself being carried by the All That Is. Here there is no struggle or suffering, just the knowing that all is just as it is to be, in complete faith and surrender. Grace is like an extra savings account that you don’t realize you have, and then you discover how to tap into it. This force envelops you in the most tender blessings and unfathomable protection. 

The Field of Grace is held and directed by specific ascended light beings who govern this domain. During this journey I will be invoking their presence for the benefit of all, and together we will create an amplified field for accessing this grace.

Purchase this Powerful Recorded Transmission
which was offered live in December 2023

One time

✓ 1 Hour Recorded Call to access your personal Field of Grace
✓ Access to Replay to use as often as you'd like

Purchase How to Access Grace
Recorded Transmission