Demystifying Channeling
Have you noticed how channeling seems to be coming more into the mainstream? It is wonderful that this is becoming more common place in our world.
I’d like to demystify the ancient shamanic art of channeling. In our culture, at times, channeling has been romanticized, seen as a phenomenal or mystical gesture, when in fact, it is an innate skill that anyone can have access to.
Are You In A Trance?
The word trance can mean a lot of different things. I am using it as “a state which we are unconsciously stuck in where we are not utilizing full awareness or volition.” When we are in a trance we are caught in habitual, robotic-like behavior and thoughts, without presence.
There are many different kinds of trance states. There may be a shopping trance, an “I’m not enough" trance, an “I don’t have enough time" trance, a sex trance, a romantic trance, work trance, and the list goes on and on. That means that we are caught in a set of behaviors, internal and external, where we are not fully present and some part of our unconscious is running the show.

There is No Control ~ Yet You Have the Power!
A Shamanic/Quantum Perspective.
It may seem that the main part, which represents the authority figure, may have all the power and control, but if you think of the situation as an organism, with a multiplicty of parts, all parts affect the whole. And even though one part might seem to be in the lead, the variety of parts actually create the greatest affect.

Aligning with Grace for Miraculous Resilience
Recorded talk given at Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library in Oct 2024.
There exists in the realm of Spirit pure potential to heal any obstacle, challenge, or trauma, no matter how pervasive, horrific, or severe.
We need to know how to tap into that alignment. There is a Grace and benevolence in our universe that is all-pervading, and I will share how to tap into and align with that higher force. Then anything is possible.

The Greatest Freedom Lies in Not Reacting
Sometimes, in the midst of life’s minefield of triggers, we forget that we have choice to not react. At times because of our habitual programming and conditioning, we react automatically without even realizing. And we may have no idea that we can choose to consciously respond. You can!
It is a beautiful practice to not react to the body, not react to the emotions, not react to the thoughts, and much less to anyone else, especially the world. When you don’t react, these things will not have power over you and you will have freedom.

Power in the Pause
The message Hawaii has been giving me lately is all about “the pause”. We have become conditioned in many of our cultures to believe that more is better, through striving, efforting, pushing, and being busy is the way. It has become so normalized and fast-paced that sometimes we don’t even realize that we’re in constant motion, whether internally, in the mind, or even externally, with back-to-back appointments and responsibilities, etc.

Pay It Forward
Thank you so much to those who offered donations in this last year! I offer some stories below of several cases so you can see what your financial donation was able to do for another. Miracles absolutely happened. Can you help others receive the healing work of Eternal Grace Ministry? Can you help me pay it forward?

How to Enter Altered States - Part One
Life loves to flow in waves, sometimes up and sometimes down. You can know that one will follow the other. It does require and help to have a level of centeredness ~ resting in presence ~ while you watch and witness with some degree of detachment, the rising and the falling, not getting too caught in the good feeling or the bad feeling.
In that way, you can stay free and not become a prisoner to the ever-changing circumstances of life. Beyond that, you can even find bliss in the welcoming of All.
Our Light Body, otherwise called “Energy Body” or “Aura” is such a vehicle for your awakening and enlightening. I have found it imperative to learn about your Light Body as your seat of consciousness, and to be able to consciously engage with, clear, clean, repair and learn how to retain energy and raise your vibration through this vehicle.

Acts of Power
There are moments, sometimes very crucial, pivotal moments in your life when you have accumulated enough energy and are asked to do something that might seem impossible or very difficult. Your mind might have 1000 reasons why you don’t want to do it and shouldn’t do it, and yet something deeper in your very being “knows” that it must be done. You may not even have an explanation or “why “of this, and that matters not, only that you “know”.

Re-Sourcing: Drawing from the one true Source
We are amidst a time of massive solar flares and also in the middle of two powerful eclipses awaiting the Solar Eclipse on April 8th. All of this affects the earth’s and our electromagnetic fields greatly. (Our electromagnetic field is also known as our aura or light body or energy body.) During eclipses it is imperative to ground, rest, stay balanced and go easy with self and others, as incoming cosmic energies are at its highest activation. For this we need to be “re-sourced.”

Intuition and Guidance: It Knows Better
I would like to share with you a personal story regarding Faith. For many years in my youth up to my 30's I felt that my birth name “Laura” was not truly my name. It was a nagging feeling like it wasn’t quite fitting me. Finally, after relocating in my early 30's to Ashland, I started to have a stronger feeling that there was a name that was to come through for me. So, I did what I always do and I closed my eyes, calmed my breath and sat on my meditation cushion. I simply asked spirit “Is there a name that you wish for me to have that is my name?”

Is Love Hurting You?
In honor of the spirit of love this month with Valentine’s Day in our culture, I wish to explore this topic with you a bit in the hopes that we might expand together our horizons of love to include even more than our romantic notions. I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLORE HOW EMPATHY CAN PROTECT US AND BOUNDARIES CAN PRESERVE LOVE.

Give Yourself Mercy and Compassion
I’d like to share with you a personal story. Many years ago while I was sitting in an educational workshop on how to end sexual trafficking, I became on fire, my body shaking with kundalini. I knew in that moment, that I was to contribute in some way to help towards this cause.
I immediately went into meditation and asked Source “What can I do? What would you like from me?"
I heard a whispering, yet bold voice say “Write your story.”

Field of Grace
I want to wish you blessings during the beginning of this holiday season as we approach Winter Solstice in the Northern hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Regardless of where you are, may this support you in opening to GRACE.
The Art of Listening
I’m listening to you, practicing how to be more present and take your words in and feel you and see you and know more of how you got here, what formed you, and where you are now. I’m relaxing, breathing, feeling my body and giving you the space to reveal yourself to me. When you share something, I’m careful to not make it about myself or immediately respond with something that relates to myself but to really let you sink in with me. And I do not mean “into me” in some codependent and enmeshed way, but as to sense you and understand you a little more deeply.

Shades of Prayer
I am always amazed by the power of this simple action, PRAYER. I’m equally surprised by how many in my private practice and around, when I ask them if they pray, look at me oddly, curiously or as if I am asking them some antiquated religious question. The answer usually is “no” or “not very much, but I should do that more often” but there’s usually a look in their eyes of like “what is this really and does it really work? Or why would I do that?”
I embrace all religions and spiritual paths as paths to the ONE but this is not what I am speaking of here, this kind of prayer. I am speaking of something old and new at the same time as close as our breath…
The Truth About Shamans
Contrary to popular modern belief romanticized by western culture, a shaman is not a path of personal choice made by the ego or personal will. It is not glamorous. It is messy and raw and death is always on one’s shoulder informing one of how to proceed. A shaman has died many times over.
A shaman is chosen by a higher calling, made by the Spirit, chosen by the Spirit.
These ones are anointed by the Spirit at some point in their making, regardless of their original dream or personal desire.
The true ones are made of impeccability and have a near to no tether for going off course, yanked back immediately onto the path.
It is not a glamorous path nor is it easy…

What do you do when the Spirit calls?
When you’re happy and life is good and you have the security and the comfort and the certainty of a good relationship or a great home and community, work, place and way of life.
And then the voice arises, the feeling nudges from within and the messages and signs keep coming to make a change or a shift in your life.
Tell me… Do you listen?

Healing happens in the in between spaces, the liminal space. It doesn’t always respond to doing, speaking, or action... not always. Because often the deep unconscious is running much of the show.
Much of the time it happens in the quiet breath, in the shift into being and opening ones light body to Receiving. We’re so used to orienting towards doing and action and thinking and our light body mirrors this by shutting down energetic sensors and receptacles of receiving. The energy tendrils aren’t activated in this way for receptivity, until we ignite them.