Isa also offers a complimentary 15-minute consultation to see if her work is a match for you.


Intuitive Readings & Flower / Gem Elixir Readings

INTUITIVE READINGS: I open to divine guidance to come through on your behalf. You can ask any question you wish. My higher self and these spirit guides specifically offer information to help you access  "your knowing”. They work to help you access your higher guidance and transmit frequencies of healing to you. Guidance to specific questions and inquiries are given. Though this is not a psychic reading. It is a spiritual reading for your empowerment.

FLOWER / GEM ELIXIR READINGS: I formulate through intuition and muscle testing custom made flower and gem elixir formulas to help balance physical, emotional, and energetic challenges. These are based on the top companies in the world using vibrational imprintings of specific flowers and gems made into one formula to help you with your life’s challenges.


Shamanic Energy Medicine / Toltec Recapitulation

I work as a Seer; listening, sensing, and viewing your Energy Body/ Light Body to see what is there and who’s energy is there. I move energy and channel wisdom in order to balance the chakra and light body system, which is the blueprint for your wellbeing on all levels, down to the physical body. I also utilize mantra healing in my work weaving sacred mantras into Energy Medicine.

Recapitulation and Toltec healing techniques when I was taught them changed my life. I had more energy, an easier time healing, more freedom to not react or get caught in repetitive cycles, easier time making decisions, and enhanced psychic/ intuitive abilities.

I teach the ancient lost art of Recapitulation as passed down from my teacher, Leta Rose, through our Toltec Lineage. The Recapitulation technique is used to reclaim any energy in your life you have dissipated. People lose tons of energy from unconscious habits and patterns. Recapitulation calls your Life Essence back to you , your chi then comes back and is freed within you. Situations and habits are recapitulated; every romantic encounter, habits which waste chi, arguing, thinking too much, etc… The list is infinite. This is a an ancient shamanic energy/ breathing technique used to heal your energy field and reclaim all your dissipated chi and to release and clear accumulated heavy energy from your energy field, thus allowing you to move from choice and sovereignty, not your imprints.  90% of human behavior is sourced by the unconscious. With recapitulation one can free themselves form the conditioning.

Body-Centered Counseling

Through the use of hakomi, emotional freedom technique, parts work, attachment work, and other modalities I track and listen on many levels to the body language and light body information.  In this way I guide one in discovering what lives in the unconscious that is running the system and uncovering any trauma, limits, blocks, resistance that may be creating unnecessary suffering.  I provide safe deep nurturance for the nervous system to unwind and to heal within this space and for guidance to come forth and wholeness to be renewed. Trust in the self and one’s own body can be renewed in this way.

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Prayer Field Healing/Teaching Groups

I create a Living Breathing Prayer Field calling in higher frequencies and guides with specific intentions and manifestations. In this format participants are worked on by the guides and the field that is created, which is very palpable and amplified. Direct transmissions of energy come through for the benefit and healing of all and specific energy medicine and shamanic techniques are taught of healing, manifestation, and clearing your light body and for energy cultivation.

Remote Work

All the work I do in person I offer remotely as well.  My work is usually a blend of all modalities.  I give body -centered psychotherapy sessions, energy medicine, shamanic work, and intuitive readings, via phone or video call. Energy has no boundaries, and can move through space limitlessly. In this way, the work is just as effective and often people enjoy relaxing in their own sacred space.  



Home & Space Clearings

All spaces collect heavy energy over time, depending on what events occur in the space. Spaces need regular clearing, just from normal living in them, but especially if other events occur within them. I invoke high frequency light energies and prayer to clear homes and land.  I also create blessings to invoke specific essences into your home or land and offer protective energy grids.


Isa also offers a complimentary 15-minute consultation to see if her work is a match for you.


“ I cannot recommend Isa's work enough. She is a true healer, able to assess where you are. She has access to and easily moves among different modalities, depending on what is needed in that moment. Isa guided me through the most difficult and terrifying time of my life with endless compassion. Isa heals her clients at many different levels--she is intuitive, emotionally astute, good with boundaries. I trust her completely. Working with Isa gave me a direct experience of peace, love, and presence; and that experience changed my life. If you are wondering what she does, go and find out! It's amazing.”

- Vanessa Grajwer Boettiger

“I have worked with Isa for 6 years now. She has been a solid, grounded support system for me. I struggle with depression and anxiety, often showing up as fear about my physical health. She has helped me calm my nervous system and taught me techniques to calm myself down. She is very good at checking into my body and finding out what is going on, if anything, which helps me immensely. I always feel better when I have a session with her.

She is a peaceful, deep and healing presence. She has helped me deepen my connection to my guides, which is endlessly valuable. I have worked through many issues and traumas with her guidance. It’s not easy for me to trust healing professionals but I trust Isa. I have hired her to work with my family members when they had healing crisis’s and she was always right on target with what was going on physically and what they needed. I have also hired her to work with my folks and a close friend when they passed to help them cross over and to help me feel complete and more able to let them go. It soothed my grieving process to know they were all being guided by Isa to move into the light.

I am deeply grateful for her years of being a healing guide for me on my journey at this time of my life.”

- AB

How do I even begin to sing the praises of Isa Lara Marie? Her enormous wisdom, knowledge, and guidance has been a pivotal and life-changing force in my life, and I am not sure where I would be without her.As time went by, Isa began to do energetic work and EFT counseling for me, my family, friends, and even my beloved pets with amazing precision, accuracy and effectiveness. I saw people change before my eyes, difficult situations become clearer, and received assistance in identifying and healing illnesses for people and animals that could have turned into much larger issues. I am grateful beyond measure for her powerful presence in my life and I encourage anyone who has the means, to seize the opportunity to be held, graced, and blessed by bringing Isa Lara Marie into their lives.

Eileen~ N.C., Dance instructor

“ It is difficult to explain with words how Isa’s work and her loving care has cleared so much fear, anger and sorrow from my heart.    A verbal testimonial is a difficult thing when it comes to unexplainable experiences.   Her process is not something that can really be communicated about with conventional reasoning or thought ... it must be felt and experienced.   What I am saying is I don’t understand the mechanism behind energy work and my monkey brain logic cannot explain it.    The best way might be poetic analogy of the results I feel during and after sessions with Isa. 

To feel nurtured and held by her as the weight of a hundred elephants is being gently lifted from my shoulders .   To feel attached stagnate energetic cords twisted and tangled tight around the axis of my body and soul melt and fall away.   Years of trauma and confusion soothed and set free with the deftness and elegance of an owl gliding down over me in a twilight flight ... wings softly caressing and carrying the attachment and pain away.”

- Dr Kevin Starnes , Veterinarian

“ Each session is a mini voyage of understanding and divine love into myself.  Isa has answered a countless number of my questions about myself and the world and has helped me identify and then resolve energy patterns from childhood that I felt were impeding my development.  She has helped me take more responsibility for my thoughts, my actions and my energy.  She has guided me and helped me with her patience, understanding and genuine divine love.  This has resulted in me being more at peace within myself but also more accepting both of myself and of others, which has helped me to feel more connected to my own place in the world.   This is indeed a blessing.”

- Robert Carrboro, NC Retired IBM Research Scientist

In my lifetime of seeking out alternative medicine I have never known such a clearly guided healer as Isa. Her Shamanic skills are my main line of defense. Where I have been given no hope in a current Kidney condition, she has lifted me up in the belief that I can and will heal. My belief that I can heal was confirmed when I was told by one medical office that I was the "Poster child of healing" an irreversible eye condition. That was no accident. That was the diligent work of Isa and I working long distance together. The loving, emotional, energetic and physical outside the box support is unparalleled by anyone I have worked with in over 40 years.I trust Isa implicitly.