Demystifying Channeling

Photo Credit: Daniel Holeman

Have you noticed how channeling seems to be coming more into the mainstream? It is wonderful that this is becoming more common place in our world.

I’d like to demystify the ancient shamanic art of channeling. In our culture, at times, channeling has been romanticized, seen as a phenomenal or mystical gesture, when in fact, it is an innate skill that anyone can have access to.

Understanding Channeling

I’d like to share a little bit with you about my experience of channeling over the last 35 years. When I first began channeling, I did something which I call “trance channeling”, where I left my body and I allowed very high light beings to come into my body to speak, and share their wisdom. These were beings whom I knew and already had an agreement with, and I allowed them to come forth in a very safe and grounded way.

Even that being said, at times, especially in the beginning, it was hard on my body and actually created a bit of havoc because my body hadn’t cleared enough physically to incorporate the high frequency energy. Then, sometimes the rearrangement of my physicality and cellular structure was a bit much, to the point where I got severe neurological symptoms, and could not function very well, and it was even difficult driving a car.

After that time, I began what I call “conscious channeling”, which is the act of staying in the body while receiving high frequency light energy, or the presence of actual light beings or guides sharing space with you and sharing their information. That information is then translated to the receiver and shared. I found this way to be easier on my body for a period of time until I could smooth out the kinks in my structure and help my system to adjust to the high frequency energy of what I call “incorporation” or “trance channeling”.

Channeling of Energy / Frequency

There’s also a form of channeling, where we simply bring forth a frequency of energy through the body, that is not necessarily a spirit being. Most people channel in some form already in their life whether you’re an artist or writer, etc … with some particular medicine or skill, very often you’re tapping into a higher frequency from your own higher self, or an actual collective grouping of energy, sometimes an entity or spirit guide, and sometimes simply energetic frequencies that are coming through.

Channeling is not for everyone. You do not need to channel unless you feel the calling. If you are drawn to it, which some people very much are, there are certain guidelines and parameters and things that are important to know before you embark on this journey so that you can stay grounded and safe and not blow out your circuits so to speak.

I have recently been guided to create a three-part series of videos teaching “Demystifying Channeling” and making it very accessible to anyone who would like to enjoy this ancient practice and reclaim what is your birthright.

In this way we gain more focused and higher wisdom from a vast perspective, which can really help everything in our lives, and help other people as well. Whether you’re channeling a healing energy for your friend or family member, or simply wish to seek answers to some challenging questions, channeling may be the skill that you are looking for.

And don’t ever think that you need to channel an entity or spirit guide, if that is not in your mindset or reality. It is enough to channel your own higher self, and what I call your “galactic self” to access that part of you that exists in timelessness and eternity. In the realm of Spirit nothing outside of yourself is ever needed.

I wish to support you and empower you with these ancient healing skills, and if you feel drawn to this, please feel free to click on the link below, and learn more about Demystifying Channeling and learn how to safely enhance your supernatural skills!

You can find more information or purchase the course here.

I would like to give deep gratitude to my partner, Paul David Renker, for inspiring the creation of this course by asking me to teach him to channel.

Until next time, I pray for you the peace that surpasseth all understanding.

Thank you for being who you are and doing what you’re here to do on this beautiful planet. You matter!

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


Are You In A Trance?