Give Yourself Mercy and Compassion

Hello Everyone,

I am reaching out sending you good wishes, blessings and inspiration for this new year of 2024. I am praying that you are navigating gracefully whatever is arising for you while feeling supported by life.

I’d like to share with you a personal story. Many years ago while I was sitting in an educational workshop on how to end sexual trafficking, I became on fire, my body shaking with kundalini. I knew in that moment, that I was to contribute in some way to help towards this cause.

I immediately went into meditation and asked Source “What can I do? What would you like from me?"

I heard a whispering, yet bold voice say “Write your story.”

This voice kept coming, even though I was in great resistance to this at the time, not wanting to share something so personal, difficult and vulnerable. The last thing I wanted to do was tell that story, and yet life was asking me to share this with the world. I knew I had to say "yes" to this, even though it took a lot more work inside of me to get there.

I am now in the midst of completing my book which is about the making of my healership. “First Light” will be published on April 22nd of 2024.

It is humbling to me, after 32 years of conscious work on myself, that in this retelling of my traumatic memories there are still triggers and emotions. I’ve had to spend lots of time as I write my book on self-care, soothing, and being with all that arises. 

We cannot come home to ourselves until we embrace everything. It is in this welcoming of everything that arises within us, that ultimately frees us. It is also so important to only go as fast as the slowest part of us, and to not leave any part behind. There have been countless days when I needed to go slower than I planned for in the writing, so that I could nurture and take care of other aspects of myself.

Just because we have emotions or triggers, it does not mean that we have failed, or that we are somehow not transcended or awakened. Our awakeness lies in the very nature of how we are with all aspects of ourselves.

  • Do we meet all aspects within us with love and compassion?

  • Do we show mercy for the world, including ourselves?

  • And can we meet these places within ourselves from our true nature of centered, loving awareness without being taken over by them or denying them?

It is a fine line, like walking a tight rope, feeling emotions and aspects of the psyche without becoming them. In this way, we stay in the truth of our nature of who we are as Source in a body, which shines the light of transformation on our aspect needing healing.

I invite you to ask if life is "calling" you to do something.

  • Is life asking you to do something perhaps that you don’t want to do? 

  • And can you trust the great source of all things this much and know that it has your best interest at heart, and that your destiny lies in trusting whatever emerges for you?

All-That-Is is trustworthy and will never lead you astray. You are being guided and held by a force that is unimaginable. 

So I invite you to take a moment each day to center yourself, close your eyes and breathe deeply into your body and see what is here with you. Is there some aspect that you push away or ignore or don’t have time for? You can move towards that place as if it were a tender child needing your attention, not to make it stop or go away, but to simply be with it in presence and compassion. In the light of your presence this will transform.

You can pause and take a minute and give this part of yourself some kind words, and perhaps a gentle hand on your body, transmitting peace, safety, comfort, and letting it know that you understand.

And most of all remember to give yourself mercy and absolution and extend that to the world. Our world is in need of mercy. It is no longer necessary to wait for a religious authority to grant you absolution. You are a co-creator with Source, part of the Divine. In Source's eyes, you are already absolved, and have done nothing wrong. You have the power to absolve yourself and release yourself from any punishment, obligation or guilt.

You are already forgiven. Breathe this forgiveness in and we shall create together heaven on earth. I’m honored to be with you on this journey.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié


Is Love Hurting You?


Field of Grace