Intuition and Guidance: It Knows Better

Hello Everyone,

I would like to share with you a personal story regarding Faith. For many years in my youth up to my 30's I felt that my birth name “Laura” was not truly my name. It was a nagging feeling like it wasn’t quite fitting me. Finally, after relocating in my early 30's to Ashland, I started to have a stronger feeling that there was a name that was to come through for me. So, I did what I always do and I closed my eyes, calmed my breath and sat on my meditation cushion. I simply asked spirit “Is there a name that you wish for me to have that is my name?”

I didn’t try to get the answer, effort or search in that moment. I simply waited, having learned a long time ago, that was the best way to allow guidance to come to me, knowing that it would take whatever time it took. Yet to my surprise, after about 20 minutes of sitting, I began to hear “Isa” whispered to me. It repeated several times and I could even see the spelling of it.

Because it was such a big thing to change my name legally, and I like to be thorough, I meditated on this for several days in a row. Again I asked for my true name to come forth, and again, I heard the same name “Isa”. It never occurred to me to look up the meaning of the name or that it even meant something. So, I naïvely took the name and changed it legally.

One day on Maui, a dear friend and spiritual healer heard that I had changed my name and very excitedly asked me if I knew what it represented. I said “No, I didn’t know that it meant anything. It was given to me by Source.” 

He proceeded to tell me that the name "Isa" was the mother Upanishad of the Vedic scripts. It was called the Isa Upanishad and it curiously and in a nutshell meant “wholeness”. I had spent my entire life re-weaving my psyche back from severe childhood trauma that had caused shattering, like glass, of my psyche. It really was part of my life’s work, and still is to this day. I was astonished of this connection. I had been given a name that actually carried the vibration of the medicine that I needed in this life to come into.

I have many of these examples in my life where guidance has come to me, and I have followed unwaveringly, even when I had no idea what it meant or why. Not once has Source let me down. I write this for you today to remind you of the power of guidance and your intuition, and that you absolutely can have faith in this, even if in the moment, it seems to have no apparent reason or make sense.

Here is a simple exercise that I have found invaluable for connecting to your own inner guidance. It can be done in about five minutes:

Simply close your eyes and take a deep breath, getting into a comfortable state. Move your attention from your head to your heart, letting your head sit in your heart. Ask one question which you wish the answer for and notice body sensations, visuals, thoughts or emotions that arise. This is the first layer, allowing this to settle down, and like an eraser feel it washing away as you go a little deeper past the worldly sensations into the silence. 

Wait and see what comes forth. You can practice this for 5 minutes or 20 minutes, any length, of course. But the key is to not create pressure around it nor try to get an answer or think that it has to happen right away. 

This very act sets up a wave of energy which you have sent out to the universe what you are wishing clarity about and as you soften and rest in your heart space you are creating the perfect energy with which to receive the quantum field vibration back to you. 

This may happen in a moment or it may happen days later, while you’re washing dishes. The beauty is you are creating this energy in motion, and if you stay with this, the answer will come. It may not come in a worldly way, through a thought or a voice, but it will come to you in some guidance from the spirit realm. You can pay attention to your dreams, animals, imagery, and things that people say to you or a book that falls off the shelf. These are just some small examples of infinite possibilities.

I wish for you unwavering faith and true trust of those gut feelings, knowing, nudges in a direction and your intuition.

Soon again I will explore with you how to refine and develop your intuition. Stay tuned.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.

Isa Upanishad

Purnamadah  Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Purnameva Vashishyate
Translation is:
“That is the whole.
This is the whole
From wholeness, emerges wholeness.
wholeness coming from wholeness
Wholeness still remains”


Re-Sourcing: Drawing from the one true Source


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