Re-Sourcing: Drawing from the one true Source

We are amidst a time of massive solar flares and also in the middle of two powerful eclipses awaiting the Solar Eclipse on April 8th. All of this affects the earth’s and our electromagnetic fields greatly. (Our electromagnetic field is also known as our aura or light body or energy body.) During eclipses it is imperative to ground, rest, stay balanced and go easy with self and others, as incoming cosmic energies are at its highest activation. For this we need to be “re-sourced.”

It is important to know where and what our resources are. In this word "resource," I see our one true Source and our relationship to “that” with how we participate. 

Are you drawing from the one true Source? Or have you made someone else your source or even some thing your source? What are you connected to? Where are you hooked in? Is someone seen or unseen drawing energy from you who should not be? With our complex energy systems, many things can be hooked into our field unknowingly. It is important to sense and feel the space around your body and find out if you feel that you are in your own space, just you. This is a time which calls for even greater awareness.


I encourage you during this time to re-source. I invite you to close your eyes, taking a couple of deep breaths to join me in this practice of “re- sourcing”.

Turn your attention into yourself, and let the world go. Say out loud: “This is my space. Only that which is light is welcome here. I AM. I release all other hooks, cords, tendrils, and contracts to anything other than this Light which I AM. I command all other frequencies out of my space.”

You may repeat this several times, taking deep breaths, inhaling light and exhaling all other heavy energy.  

Next, below your feet and root, feel your connection to the light of the earth, and above your crown, feel your connection to the light of the heavens.

Now inhale this light and let it fill your whole body, recharging all of your cells and renewing you. Allow yourself to be restored with the light of the one true source. Stay with this for several minutes until you feel refreshed and relaxed.

Open your eyes and bless yourself with the mantra: “I am Light. I am Love. I am Grace.”  

May you be blessed and re-sourced always.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié 
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


Acts of Power


Intuition and Guidance: It Knows Better