Power in the Pause

I am writing you from the great land of Hawaii, this land full of medicine and messages. Always this place, like no other,  teaches me deeper lessons and understanding of healing and awakening through the human form. It is so humbling to be here in the majesty and power of these primal elements and the level of “Mana” (supernatural power) that pours fourth. 

In Hawaii, the governing spirits of the land and these great energy centers work on those who come. 

The message she has been giving me lately is all about “the pause”. We have become conditioned in many of our cultures to believe that more is better, through striving, efforting, pushing, and being busy is the way.  It has become so normalized and fast-paced that sometimes we don’t even realize that we’re in constant motion, whether internally, in the mind, or even externally, with back-to-back appointments and responsibilities, etc.

Yet, I have found over and over again, “the pause”, waiting and “being”, creates much more of a forward momentum and success at whatever it is that we are with. Answers can come quicker and less interference gets in the way. 

The spirit of this Hawaiian land has been talking to me a lot about “regeneration” and how we must be able to pause, wait and almost be in a limbo at times. We may not know the way and  feel as if we’re doing nothing, but really we’re being in our true nature. This is where all potentials lie. 

At first, that can sometimes feel boring, empty, scary, bring up a lot of feelings and anxiety even. It can certainly also bring up the inner critic that you should be doing something else, or more than you are, or accomplishing something all in the name of the ego or identification.

You may think that if you have this one thing, then you will be enough or OK. That kind of thinking can create so much depletion and exhaustion, always striving for the next thing, which the attainment of never ultimately satisfies the ego.

What about right now? Yes, right now. Can that be enough, just as it is, without anything else? I found that over and over to be undeniably true, as I stay pausing in the now moment.

Being here now in this deep state, there is a regeneration that can occur in all the cells of your body, a recharge, awakening, and an enlightening of the cellular structure with more vitality, prana (breath, life-giving force) and energy.

By staying present you then move from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system and down-regulate. Sometimes we are stuck for years in fight or flight without even realizing it. When we pause and down-regulate, then healing and manifestation can happen even quicker. Sometimes when we’re in lots of motion we’re missing the very essence of what is needed. 

So if you’re bored or feeling in limbo or empty, congratulations you may be on your way home!

You certainly don’t need to travel to a far away land in order to regenerate. You can do this right in the presence of your own home by slowing down, breathing consciously, in between activities, checking in with yourself and pausing.  Give yourself the gift of practicing stillness, checking in with yourself, and resting every day.

May you be amazed how “the pause” can change everything and bring more forward momentum and gifts than you could possibly imagine.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


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