Pay It Forward

Dear Lovely Beings,

I hope this letter finds you doing very well and feeling supported by life.

Thank you so much to those who offered donations in this last year! I offer some stories below of several cases so you can see what your financial donation was able to do for another. Miracles absolutely happened.

Can you help others receive the healing work of Eternal Grace Ministry?

Can you help me pay it forward?

I can’t meet all the needs coming in and I need your help.

Eternal Grace Ministry is a spiritual organization created by Isa Lara Marié, myself, to help all beings further the path of healing and awakening to their true nature, especially via psychological wholeness and activation of the Lightbody.

I have a waiting list right now for the Scholarship Fund. I am seeking donations to come in so that I can attend to all the people reaching out who are financially restricted, and in need.
My heart aches as I  get numerous requests weekly from people all over the world, who would like to receive group and solo healing services who are financially restrained. As much as I would like to see all these people, pro bono, I am not able to sustain myself and do this simultaneously.

The demand is too high, and it would not be fair to only do this for a small group of people. Believe me I tried that for a while, but my system became too depleted and I was getting sick. So in this last year I created a Scholarship Fund to receive donations so that others can receive the healing that they need if they are limited in financial resources.

Some of these people are disabled, sick chronically with medical issues, severely traumatized and cannot function; others are single parents and with high needs children and others are given a really hard lot in life.

By the grace of some donors recently, I was able to attend to a couple cases. We have an application process, and potential clients are vetted to see what their circumstances are and how much they can contribute towards the session. We encourage potential clients to contribute something, even if minuscule so that they can create that opening of receiving in reciprocity. 

I would like to share with you some of the cases that I’ve been able to assist lately because of your generous donations:

~ Case 1:  I was able to treat a young teenage girl, who had been in and out of mental hospitals, unable to function because of some entity interference, and severe past trauma. This client had been misdiagnosed and put on medication which was exacerbating her symptoms. Within one session, the client reported having much relief of the panic and anxiety and suicidal ideation. 

~ Case 2:  A single mom raising an autistic child was not able to eat food and keep it down, having massive stomach distress and extreme fatigue. After several sessions she realized that it was due to stress and some somatization from her situation. After a few sessions she was able to ingest and digest her food, keeping it down. She is now able to eat fully, and much of the fatigue has lifted as well. 

~ Case 3:  I had a young man come to me with chronic hip and low back pain. He had tried everything, every medical treatment available for years to no avail and it was affecting his walking and all daily activities. I saw immediately that this was a past life issue, and that there needed to be a clearing in the lower chakras regarding a lifetime that he had carried over into this one. We worked with this for three sessions, and he was able for the first time in years to begin hiking and even running again like he used to.

These are just several examples of small miracles that happen all of the time, not from me, but through God’s work. We all have the opportunity to be the conduit for profound healing to come forth to others.

If you have the means and you feel called, please consider donating to Eternal Grace Ministry so that those on the waiting list now can receive much needed healing care.

Are you ready to pay it forward? I believe we’re living at the beginning of a new world and a time where we’re creating heaven on earth and a place of equality where everyone can have what they need. I am dedicated to doing my part in that and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with me on the journey.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


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