How to Enter Altered States - Part One

I hope that you really well, relaxing into and saying “yes” by gently moving towards whatever Life is presenting, whether difficult or pleasant in the moment.

Remember that Life loves to flow in waves, sometimes up and sometimes down. You can know that one will follow the other. It does require and help to have a level of centeredness ~ resting in presence ~ while you watch and witness with some degree of detachment, the rising and the falling, not getting too caught in the good feeling or the bad feeling.

In that way, you can stay free and not become a prisoner to the ever-changing circumstances of Life. Beyond that, you can even find bliss in the welcoming of All.

Your Light Body, otherwise called “Energy Body” or “Aura” is such a vehicle for your awakening and enlightening. I have found it imperative to learn about your Light Body as your seat of consciousness, and to be able to consciously engage, clear, clean, repair and learn how to retain energy and raise your vibration through this vehicle. 

As you refine your awareness of working with this vehicle, you gain access to the greater dimensions of the vastness of Life and release your limitedness in 3-D reality. 3-D reality is wonderful, and yet has only a tiny portion of the gifts and capability of what the human spirit is here to engage in and realize. There are vast worlds available, many worlds actually, of different dimensions, beings, truths and wisdom. 

When you learn how to alter your perception and expand your awareness you can access and enter, if you choose, these other dimensions. 

Why would you want to alter your perception?

When you alter your perception, you can see from different viewpoints, and thus you may be able to also receive truth, information, and support, including guidance from other realms, and from your Higher Self. Learning about how to cultivate your Light Body is the very muscle and tool needed to make this leap. It is where you have come from as Spirit before entering form, and everyone has this inherent wisdom inside of them waiting to be tapped into. This is a remembrance that gets activated and awakens.


Close your eyes and take some deep breaths. 

Move your attention from the outer world to your inner space feeling the breath and the energy inside of your body. 

Let go of all the sounds, visuals and thoughts of the outer world. 

Breathe deeply and slowly melt into the pure space within and beyond your body. 

With each breath know and feel as you are becoming pure space and expanding into to the vastness around you. You are losing the sense of boundaries and form and vibrating as pure space. 

You may soften your mind. You are breathing slowly and deliberately melting … and melting ... into pure space. 

Your awareness and focus are dropping from your mind and head to the center of your being.

Your awareness and focus are rising from the fixation of your body and sensations into the center of your being. 

You are floating in the pure space of your own Light Body, and the greater consciousness of the Quantum Field. 

You can rest here. 

If there is any question you have or any need, present it to the Field now by whispering it aloud or silently saying it into your heart space. Then let it go. 

Do not seek for an answer but allow the Field to bring you information and energy, whether now or in time, as you rest and be in this vast space.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

Do not label or fixate on the things that you see, but allow yourself to stay in this expanded state of breath and vibrating energy, allowing things to not be exactly as they seem or be too quick to label or call the name of the form in front of you. 

Now, drop your grounding cords from the bottoms of your feet and your root into the Earth.  

Feel the contact of the floor beneath you as you ground in this new energy of not really “Knowing”. Herein lies your freedom. Be curious and go about your day and watch the miracle unfold of how new perception may arise.

If you would like to learn more about the Light Body, feel free to check out my Online Introductory Energy Medicine Course that can be taken anytime on your own time frame, short and simple, easily done in an hour and a half per week for six weeks or whatever pace is correct for you. You can find it here.

I look forward to seeing you here, as well as in the other realms. Until then I pray for your well-being, healing and awakening.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié 
This is for all beings everywhere; may you know wholeness.


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