Acts of Power

I am inspired to share with you, what has been on my heart lately from my guidance: “Acts of Power.”

There are moments, sometimes very crucial, pivotal moments in your life when you have accumulated enough energy and are asked to do something that might seem impossible or very difficult. Your mind might have 1000 reasons why you don’t want to do it and shouldn’t do it, and yet something deeper in your very being “knows” that it must be done. You may not even have an explanation or “why “of this, and that matters not, only that you “know”.

When you fulfill these pivotal moments, which sometimes become actual “initiations”, you use a lot of energy to accomplish this. It may even seem like a marathon that isn’t going to end. But, in the end you gain and retrieve a level of energy into your system that you have not had before. Your Light Body gains energy and expands immensely into a greater field of light. You begin to live this new expansion.

While you are in the middle of the “act of power”, which may take days, months, years according to your own soul’s blueprint, you can be extremely tested and stretched past your sense of bandwidth or capability. It’s in these moments that it is absolutely essential to open and call to something bigger than yourself, the higher power. 

It is also crucial in these moments and during the entire process to activate your “Intent”. This is a shamanic term used to describe a laser like focus and alignment from your spiritual knowing with the Spirit or Source. You may need to keep revisiting your Intent as this can bring energy back to you, inherently and release out anything extraneous or interfering. It is also essential during this time to not allow the outer world to crowd you, for you are harnessing your energy and power needed to remain focused to fulfill your particular “act of power”. You become like an eagle, moving through the sky in direct flight from one point to another. I like to call this Eagles Intent. You become the eagle of pure intent.  

Obstacles may arise, and you have the opportunity to see them as tests from the universe of your clarity, strength, and integrity.
Once you have completed your incredible destiny, you may need to restore your energy and rebuild your reserves again. Here is one way that I do this:

Third Chakra Restoration, and Energy Retrieval Practice 

The third chakra ~ the power center ~ is the energy center located just under your rib cage on the front of your body, and on the backside of your body, at the latitude of your kidneys and adrenal glands.

Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes and gently breathe into your body.

Rest your attention in the midsection of your body gently inhaling light and exhaling heavy energy.

Become aware of all the support behind your body; gravity, the Earth Mother, your ancestors, and your guides.

Inhale, focusing on the back of the third chakra deep into your kidney area. Receive the swirling luminosities returning to you of this support.

Allow yourself to lean into your spine and back, resting more deeply into this field of support as you continue to inhale luminous fibers of light and exhale anything else.

Feel your organs and body building with energy and support.

Now shift your attention to the front of the third chakra, just below the rib cage, breathing into this area light and exhaling heavy energy.

With your Intent call back your luminous energy fibers from the “effort” of anything you have just accomplished. Allow the swirling luminosities to return to the center of your belly, inhaling them and exhaling all other energies. Stay with this a couple of minutes. 

Now turn your attention to both the front and back of your third chakra, feel the swirling luminosity front and back nurturing you and replenishing you, innervating with perfect health all of your vital organs in this area.

Allow this extra light to flow upward and downward to the rest of your body, eventually filling into your light body.  Allow this luminous energy to become gold, filling your whole light body with the gold light of pure power, Chi and energy. 

Rest in your healed, restored state and now seal this with your hands, one over the front of your third chakra and one behind the back of your third chakra. Repeat out loud “All that I Am is here with me now. I am restored, recharged, and whole.”

May this recharge your being with vital light and abundance on all levels.

Blessings to all of you and thank you for being on this journey together!

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié


How to Enter Altered States - Part One


Re-Sourcing: Drawing from the one true Source