What do you do when the Spirit calls?

Even when you’re happy and life is good and you have the security and the comfort and the certainty of a good relationship or a great home and community, work, place and way of life.

And then the voice arises, the feeling nudges from within and the messages and signs keep coming to make a change or a shift in your life.

Tell me… Do you listen?

Or is it easy to just press down that niggling feeling and all the signs that keep arriving, in order to stay under that sweet soft blanket of security and familiarity.

Doors may close down where you are and become very constricted. Or the energy just stops and it may feel complete. 

And if you notice the place that you’re being led to whether inside of you or external, a job, expression, relationship, place, endless possibilities… well those doors are opening and the path is clearing and something from that new place is coming to meet you. 

That illuminating thread of light pulls you as if from your umbilical cord calling you home to this new aspect which your soul needs to experience and share. When you quiet down and listen and pay attention and are willing, then you will know this. You might need to be reminded of this, your destiny, sort of like an affirmation and confirmation from the universe saying, “Yes, you can take that leap. I’ve got you.” All you need is courage and a little bit of faith and “All That Is” will carry you the rest of the way.

So whatever that thing is that you’ve been waiting on, well, now might just be the time to fly.

All my love,
Isa Lara Marié


The Truth About Shamans
